Wake County IT Solutions

Gain the IT guidance and support you need from the team of reliable technology experts at Founders Technology Group.

Whether you’re in healthcare, manufacturing, legal work, or any other industry – setting goals for yourself is crucial. Whether it’s better patient care, better budgeting, more effective workflow, or anything else; technology plays a major part in how effectively you reach objectives. Founders Technology Group works with you to plan strategically, so all of your goals become realities.

We provide IT guidance and innovative services, with solutions designed for your unique needs. Founders Technology Group ensures you’re always functioning at your absolute best, helping you leverage the full power of our services to improve how you work.

Contact us at info@founderstech.com or (860) 256-8197.

Without really knowing your processes and objectives, there’s no way we can provide the ideal IT experience. That’s why other companies who provide generic services always leave a lot to be desired.

  • We align our services with your business objectives, so you start reaching goals and overcoming obstacles with the best solutions.
  • Founders Technology Group takes care of all your technology needs, from implementation to management and support. We ensure you’re working with the best tools for your industry, and we’re always eager to provide support and answer questions to help you fully leverage the benefits of your IT.
  • You stop worrying about hardware issues and data breaches thanks to our proactive solutions and comprehensive support
  • Founders Technology Group offers data backup and business continuity services, to protect your livelihood against natural disasters or IT issues.
  • With the right guidance and most effective services, you get the maximum return on your technology investment – and you start seeing benefits all throughout your operations. Founders Technology Group helps you to increase productivity, streamline tasks, and make your life a whole lot easier.

Get in touch with us at info@founderstech.com or (860) 256-8197 to start discussing the best IT tools and solutions for your Connecticut business.

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Responsive IT Services?

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What They Say
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